Complementary therapies

Healing of uterine memories

The Uterus is the energy center where the bank of information that we share from generation to generation is located.
It is that invisible thread that unites us, from the Maternal line and connects us with all our Mother Ancestors; therefore, programs and beliefs are being formed, about how to see yourself as a woman, body, sexuality, among others, which once served our family system, but are now obsolete.
Through this technique you manage to identify them, integrate them, heal them, reconcile us and thus live a life in Authenticity, with your own Voice.

Kundalini tantra yoga

Tantra represents the effort to penetrate the mystical link between the finite and the infinite, between the individual and the cosmos.

While for some, all that is spiritual would seem to exclude all that is worldly, in Tantra the two converge harmoniously reconciled. Spiritual enlightenment and the individual realization of a meaningful existence are seen as complementary needs.

In this Yoga class, and through movements, breaths, mantras and mudras, we merge masculine and feminine energy, to awaken the power of Sexual Energy, energy of creation, and thus mobilize in our body, unlocking emotional armor.

Kundalini tantra yoga

Tantra represents the effort to penetrate the mystical link between the finite and the infinite, between the individual and the cosmos.

While for some, all that is spiritual would seem to exclude all that is worldly, in Tantra the two converge harmoniously reconciled. Spiritual enlightenment and the individual realization of a meaningful existence are seen as complementary needs.

In this Yoga class, and through movements, breaths, mantras and mudras, we merge masculine and feminine energy, to awaken the power of Sexual Energy, energy of creation, and thus mobilize in our body, unlocking emotional armor.

Uterus activation

It is an activation for the womb-Uterus, where you receive the necessary keys to open and awaken your womb, where your essence, your power, and your feminine and sexual energy lies.
This technique uses systemic and family constellation understandings, meditations, and rituals to open matrix consciousness.
The activation of the Uterus is a re-formulation of our being Women. Invites us to live our Uterus as our spiritual temple.

Womb blessing

The Womb Blessing or Blessing of the Uterus in Spanish, is a transformational energy therapy (laying on of hands) and at the same time, a feminine practice that provides powerful healing and change to the energy center of the womb and its cycle, and the four archetypal feminine energies , to create a connection with our femininity, calm and concentration, female empowerment and well-being.

This technique is for all women with or without a uterus, menstruating or not menstruating.


​Energy healing for feminine energies and the lunar cycle.
Awaken your authentic femininity to embrace strength, beauty, love, creativity and sexuality.
Restore energies and be “you” again.
It allows female personal development that awakens your full potential as a woman.
Open awareness to feminine holiness and bring her natural spirituality into your life.

Womb blessing

The Womb Blessing or Blessing of the Uterus in Spanish, is a transformational energy therapy (laying on of hands) and at the same time, a feminine practice that provides powerful healing and change to the energy center of the womb and its cycle, and the four archetypal feminine energies , to create a connection with our femininity, calm and concentration, female empowerment and well-being.

This technique is for all women with or without a uterus, menstruating or not menstruating.


​Energy healing for feminine energies and the lunar cycle.
Awaken your authentic femininity to embrace strength, beauty, love, creativity and sexuality.
Restore energies and be “you” again.
It allows female personal development that awakens your full potential as a woman.
Open awareness to feminine holiness and bring her natural spirituality into your life.